How we create our stunning filigree balls – part 1


A question on our facebook page this morning ( prompted me to add descriptions to all the photos in our ‘Action at Seba Dizajn album, something I had been meaning to do for sometime – thanks Bryce for your question.

Part way through I realised I was writing a short jewellery making story and have decided to share it here in a little more detail.  The photo to the left was taken in our store (Seba Dizajn), in Croatia earlier this summer.  This photo shows Adolf Seba (aka Doka) heating silver coils, when silver is heated it becomes softer and easier to work with.

To create the filigree beads or balls a frame-work is shaped from the silver wire;

Shaping the framework for a Seba Dizajn bead

Frames ready for soldering

The floral shaped framework is then soldered together.


A very fine silver wire is used to create the various patterns seen in our beads – each is unique, although a popular pattern can be repeated and we often create a pair of beads to be used for earrings.

A pattern is forming
Another step closer - these photos show work on a bespoke bead, our customer requested a heart to feature in her bead.

I hope you are beginning to see some of the work that goes into creating each of our beads, this is going to be a four part post.  Remember you can subscribe to our blog in the box at the top right.  And if you don’t want to wait for the next installment head over to our facebook page where you can see these photos and more in our ‘Action at Seba Dizajn’ Album – please hit the LIKE button while you are there.

If you have any questions about our jewellery making please leave them below and I will reply to you.

See you next time, Ruth

3 thoughts on “How we create our stunning filigree balls – part 1”

    • Thanks Madeline, it really is an amazing and detailed process and it is nice to hear your feedback.
      Nice that Doka chose to carry on the family tradition and help keep these skills alive too.


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