I seem to have digressed a lot recently and been blogging about whatever pops into my head, but I have also seen an increase in readers, so maybe it doesn’t matter what I write about? I am open to suggestions.. please let me know if there is anything in particular you would like me to write a post about and I will add it my growing list of blog ideas.
I also look forward to welcoming some guest bloggers soon – something on is its way from a friend in New Zealand and another piece is being written in Germany for us. If you are interested in contributing a post to our blog then please let me know.
While I was participating in Nikki Pilkington’s 30 Day Facebook Challenge I started a discussion on our facebook page, ‘Tell us about a favourite piece of jewellery and why it’s special to you’ – Nikki was the only one who joined the discussion so it was a little short-lived!!
Here is a wee blurb about my ‘favourite’ piece of jewellery, I say ‘favourite’ because there are too many to choose from and maybe my lovely husband is creating something for me now??
The piece of jewellery that is featured on our business cards and as our profile picture on our facebook page is a stunning necklace featuring Tibetan turquoise and silver filigree balls. Not only is it beautiful and much admired it was also my first Christmas present.. Not for Sale! A few people have asked when they have seen me wearing it here in the shop so I stopped wearing it to work, happy to sell whatever other jewels I might be wearing.
By the way, it’s not to late to join that discussion, you can join in our facebook page (www.facebook.com/SebaDizajn) or leave your comments here. We love jewellery and jewellery related stories and would love to hear your if you would like to share.