A sleepy afternoon in filigree land


The coffee’s brewing and it smells so good. I have such trouble at this time of the day – anytime between 2 & 6 counts as my afternoon lull/low.

We’ve just had lunch and I feel so sleepy, there’s no-one on the street and I wonder if I could get away with a wee nap here at Seba Dizajn?  Doka is delivering some jewellery repairs to a friend and have asked him to ‘come back with ice-cream’.  Another friend of ours has an ice-cream shop across the lane from where he is heading, so topped up with caffeine and ice cream I’m sure I’ll make it thru the rest of the day.

I was trying to think of an image I could insert into this post and then I remembered that while we were in New Zealand earlier this year I had taken some photos of coffees I  had been served there.  It seemed like a slightly odd thing to be doing at the time, what would I do with these images?  Am happy to be sharing this fantastic ‘flat white’ with you – served somewhere to us somewhere in Dunedin, my beautiful home town. 

So, the afternoon maybe a quiet one here in Korcula, but I now have lots of happy times, family and  friends back in New Zealand to think about.  Think I’ll write some postcards…..

Thanks for the Gorgeous Filigree Jewellery

Am a little behind on the 30 Day Challenge, one missing post from last week – ‘Testimonials’… post some positive feedback from a customer.
Am very happy to post the following, via Ms Cottrill, Upper Hutt, New Zealand

Thank you for my gorgeous filigree ‘Stephanie’. I love that it is unique and made especially for me from an ancient craft in an amazing location and winged all the way to New Zealand. Seriously thinking about getting my ears pierced now! Another happy customer!

A special order from Seba Dizajn, feels great to be sharing our unique traditional filigree jewellery with the world. 
From Croatia to New Zealand, fantastic!
In the beginning
'Stephanie' - Making Upper Hutt smile

My Mums

It’s 10:00am in New Zealand and midnight here in Korcula and I’ve just had a big chat with my Mum (she’s in NZ).  I love that technology allows us to keep in touch so easily, we were chatting on skype.  Mum is a pen and paper correspondant, and I love that as well, I have a great pile of her letters collected from the years I’ve been living away.

I miss my Mum, she’s great.  I have four older brothers, three lovely sister-in-laws and a bunch of great nieces and nephews.  None of whom I get to see often enough.  I’ve been living on the opposite side of the world to my family for 12 years now and missed a lot of family birthdays and other events.

Now I have a new family and a second mother, she’s great too.  Mrs Seba senior and I get along really well, I’m not sure how much of this is due to my serious lack of ability to speak any Albanish or Croatian?!! Smiles, hugs and nods go a long way, but not far enough.  There are so many things I wish I could say and share with her.

(Number 1 being how great her son is!)

The tourist season here in Korcula is a very short one and I plan to use the winter months to learn some more Croatian. Will keep you posted on my progess… so far my progress is Polako – slow.  I look forward to learning some language and cooking skills with my mother in law – I have managed to learn quite a lot of food words! Important things first.

However, it’s late and I am catching the 6am ferry to Split in the to meet a dear friend from Scotland who is visiting us and the sun.

I hope I learn to liven the blogs up soon!

Please let me know if there is anything you would like me to share or write about.

Best wishes
